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The following people have generously allowed me to put their names, backgrounds, and mail addresses onto the Clarinet Pages. If you have a question that you'd like answered, and you don't want to join the Klarinet Listserv just yet (or maybe you don't want the whole world to see the question :^), try asking here.

It would really help these people if you would give a little background about yourself, such as where you live, your approximate age, how long you've been playing, what your current setup is, and your name (or pseudonym). The "where you live" can be general; it helps to know what city you live in or if you're in a rural setting.

The Players ...
Who Interests, Experience, etc. Who Interests, Experience, etc.
Carl Anderson Professor of Clarinet (Ret.) Kathy Boster Music Teacher, Elementary grades
Michael Bryant Rare Repertoire and Recordings Joie Canada Semi-professional Amateur ...
Dr. Diane Cawein Barger Associate Professor of Clarinet Jeff Chan Chamber Music, Small Ensembles, Strings
Jonathan Cohler Teacher, Recording Artist Suzi Crookshank College, Performance Major
Michael Dean Assistant Professor of Clarinet and Saxophone Sherman Friedland Professional, Teacher, Recording Artist, Conductor
Jason Hall Professional, Teacher Scott Harris Professional
Dr. Julia M. Heinen Professor of Clarinet
Chris Hill Performance and refacing Dr. Ronald P. Monsen Professor of Clarinet
Michael Norsworthy Contemporary Music David B. Niethamer Professional, Reed Making, Orchestral Music
Daniel A. Paprocki Assistant Professor of Clarinet, Orchestral, Bass and Eb, Chamber Music, Performance Thomas Piercy Professional, Teaching
Anne Shelton Teacher, Band Gary Van Cott Adult Amateur, Clarinet Quartets
Starr Schaftel Wayne Professional, Teacher

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