Hello to all you Bass Clarinetists out there!!
For those of you that have always wanted to play higher than a high C above the staff, here are some tips that may allow you play higher than ever before. I hope they help you as much as they've helped me.
First, for any note above the C, put a bit more of your mouth on the mouthpiece. Start out by playing a high C, then slurring to the high C#. It is fingered like an over-the-break E, but you move your first finger on your left hand off of the key. To hit the high D, you play it like you were playing an over-the-break F. At first, it will sound like a normal F. However, if you put that extra bit of mouth on the mouthpiece and exert a just little more air, the note will come out and it will sound beautiful!
To hit even higher, put down the little key between the 2nd and 3rd key on your right hand. This will take you to a high Eb. To hit the high E, play like you were going to play an over-the-break G, and exert more air and put the extra bit of your mouthpiece in your mouth.
By this time, you will start to get goosebumps because you have never hit this high! To hit the high F, play an over-the-break G# and put the extra air and mouthpiece into effect. The high F# is played like an over-the-break A. Just put that extra air and mouthpiece in.
If you would like to play even higher, e-mail pilsdoughboy@hotmail.com and you can get details of how to play higher.
By audition, Joshua is now the 8th ranked bass clarinet in the State of Virginia. Also, Joshua is now playing the Soprano clarinet seriously. He is ranked in the top 10 soprano clarinet players in his district by audition. He will be attending college in the fall at E.M.U in Harrisonburg, Virginia as a Musis-Ed/Music-Performance double major.
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