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Fingering Guide by Key | Chromatic Fingering Guide |
Reprinted by permission
Bb Clarinet Fingering Chart
12/15/97 - Make free with comments, suggestions, corrections, or any general friendly chat
to swihart@purdue.edu. I would certainly appreciate hearing
from you. Happy Clarinet playing!
12/16/97 - My goal is simply to provide a somewhat standard chart, as can be found in many
beginner's instruction books. On the web. With input from anyone who is interested, I would love to
expand and extend, but I will not take fingerings or text directly from a copyrighted publication. That's a
difficult line of distinction to see, rather thin in places, but if you can and wish to send me fingerings that
are so much a part of YOU (rather than straight out of someone else's copyrighted chart) that it couldn't possibly
be called plagiarism to reproduce them here, please do it!
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Fingering Guide by Key | Chromatic Fingering Guide |