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This music was given to me for
distribution by Fernando
Silveira, Clarinet Professor at Rio de Janeiro University.
The music provided is a Concertino by
Francisco Mignone, in three movements. The first movement is a
"classical" movement similiar Mozart's concerto. The second movement
is a Modinha, a Portuguese word, which would
be translated into English as possibly "a Tune", similiar to the Aria
from Bachianas Brasileiras no. 5 by Villa-Lobos. The last movement is a
one kind of samba.
The other music is "Um Chorinho em
Aldeia". It is very dificult to translate, but would be considered "A
litlle choro in Aldeia". Aldeia is a name of a city in Rio de Janeiro
State. Fernando made the arrangment; the composer is Severino Araujo. Severino
Araujo is a clarinet player and a "band leader"(more or less like the
American Benny Goodman).
The .enc files are in Encore
4.0 format.

de Abreu, Zequinha
- Tico-Tico No Fuba (2 soprano, 1 bass clarinet)
Araujo, Severino
Mignone, Francisco (1897-)
Pascoal,Hermeto (1936-)
- Chorinho para Ele ("Little choro for him") - Clarinet Quartet, Arr. Fernando Silveira
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