Artley, Armstrong, Jupiter, Pruefer, and Rossi

Home > Equipment > Serial Numbers > Artley, Armstrong, Jupiter, Pruefer, Rossi

The age of Jupiter instruments may be determined by adding one to the first digit of the serial number. The resulting number then would represent the year after 1984 that the instrument was manufactured. For example, if the serial number began with a number "4" you would then add "1" to this number and know that the instrument was manufactured in 1985. If the first number was a "0", would indicate that the instrument was manufactured in 1991. The problem with this system is that Jupiter has been manufacturing instruments for over a decade. As a result, it is not possible to tell if an instrument having the first number "4" was manufactured in 1985 or 1995. Jupiter marketed instruments in countries other than the U.S. prior to 1985, so there can be no real certainty that a Jupiter is not a vintage 1984 or 1985, though it is unlikely.

1949 - 1965 18,000 - 67,000 Prefix 1,2,3, etc. mid-1972
1965 Prefix A, B, C
(minus H, I, O, Q, W, Y & Z)
Prefix "3" to "9" series 1973
Prefix "R" series 1970 Prefix "24" series 1974
Prefix "V" series 1972
1971 1000 1983 165,583
1972 7901 1984 179,968
1973 20,001 1985 199,871
1974 38,001 1986 211,589
1975 51,701 1987 231,554
1976 64,701 1988 253,171
1977 75,588 1988 3,811,988
1978 86,512 1989 3,900,001
1979 100,131 1990 4,000,000
1980 117,759 1991 4,100,000
1981 135,154 1992 4,130,000
1982 147,455    
1934 - 1938 6851
1939 - 1941 13152
1942 - 1948 19699
1949 - 1950 27106
1951 - 1953 34081
1954 - 1955 41571
1990 021 1994 E 118

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